About Us
History of Troop 1776 Emblem
Who Are We: A group of Scouts and Scouts bound together to have FUN and to learn some things along the way. We have currently 100 Scouts registered and about 80 very active Scouts. We also have 60 registered and Trained Leaders. We originally chartered the Troop in 1976 the year of the bicentennial. This is our 39th Anniversary.
Our Sponsor: We are sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #8376 and operate out of and are supported by the Catholic Church of St. Ann’s.
Where & When: We meet on Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM at La Salette Hall behind the Church Office. St. Ann’s is located at Roswell Road (120 Highway) and Bishops Lake Road. One Tuesday of every month is Advancement night and the PLC Meeting. This is generally the Tuesday after we have a campout. These Meetings are held in LaSalette Hall.
What Do We Do: Being a Scout lead organization, we execute the program that is planned out by the PLC. Each ASM takes assignment to coordinate one weekend for the Troop a year. Working with the Scout Leadership of the Troop, we put together a program to help to develop good lifetime skills and values in our Scouts. Some of our highlights for a typical year are:
. Troop Turkey Fest/Webelos Weekend
. Wilderness Survival
. Backpacking somewhere
. Canoeing on the Flint River or in the Okefenokee Swamp
. Caving
. Rockets & Astronomy
. Swim with the Manatees
. Spring Camporee and OA Tap Outs
. Whitewater Rafting
High Adventure:
For 2003, we had Crews go Scuba Diving in the Keys, Sailing in the Keys, on a Keys Adventure trip and on a Horseback Cavalcade to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.
For 2004 we had trips for a Keys Adventure, a Coral Reef Sailing trip, a trip to the Essex World Jamboree and for a Northern Tier Canoeing trip in the wilds of Canada.
For 2005 we had two crews hike Philmont and we had 8 Scouts and 4 Adults going to the 2005 National Scout Jamboree.
For 2006 we have our sister Troop from Great Britain coming to visit with us.
For 2007, we had Crews going to Scuba at Sea Base and a Crew hiking and a Cavalcade Crew at Philmont.
For 2008 we had two Crews sailing at Sea Base, another Crew going on Scuba and another Crew go out backpacking in Yellowstone National Park.
In 2009 we had a Crew go on a Live Aboard Scuba trip and another Crew go canoeing in the Bissett region of the Northern Tier.
In 2010 we had a crew go sailing in the Keys at Sea Base and 9 Scouts & 2 Leaders attend the 2010 National Scout Jamboree.
In 2011 we have a crew going backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch.
In 2012 we had a Crew go backpacking to Philmont Scout Ranch and a Crew go sailing in the Keys at Sea Base.
In 2013 we had a Crew go sailing in the Keys at Sea Base, a Crew go on a Live Aboard Scuba trip at Sea Base and we had 6 Scouts and 2 Leaders attend the 2013 National Jamboree at the Summit.
In 2014 we had a Crew going to Philmont and a Crew doing the Whitewater Adventure at the Summit.
In 2015 we have a Crew going sailing in the Keys at Sea Base
Summer Camp: The highlight of the Scouting year is often the annual Summer Camp program.
In 2015 we will be at Bert Adams Scout Camp - June 22 - 29. Our Scoutmaster will be the Camp Director this summer at Bert Adams.
Advancement: We have an active Scout to First Class Scout program. Emphasis is placed on the Scouts taking ownership on the advancement program. ASM’s and Troop Guides are assigned to help and be responsible for this aspect of the program. Active participation will help to ensure a steady advancement in the Scout to First Class program.
Merit Badges: We have a complete slate of quality Merit Badge Counselors. But we are always looking for new talent. When your boy joins the Troop, at least one parent should volunteer their expertise (no matter what it may be) to be a Merit Badge Counselor. We are attempting to hold regular Merit Badge Clinics throughout the year to assist the Scouts in working on the Merit Badge program. Troop 1776 has developed a Merit Badge University, for more information go to www.meritbadge.info
Life to Eagle: Our Life to Eagle program focuses on motivating Life Scouts to attain the ultimate rank of Eagle. Troop 1776 has 142 Eagle Scouts on its Honor Roll.
Community Service: Troop 1776 has long been a leader in the Scouting for Food program Annually the Troop, along with our Cub Scout Pack and Girl Scout Troops, have collected over 25,000 cans or units of food for the needy of East Cobb. In addition, we also do conservation projects on camping trips and at the Church. We participate in the Memorial Day Flag ceremony and the 4th of July parade activity. For Flag Day we annually collect and retire experienced American Flags that have seen better days. We are very visible in our support of the needs of our sponsor Church especially for their Apple Annie Craft Fair held every December. Annually we adopt a family for the Holidays through the St. Vincent DePaul Society at St. Ann’s.
Religious Aspects: Being sponsored by a religious organization, we are focused on offering the religious awards program. We have trained counselors for the Catholic Religious Award programs. We offer these programs not only for Scouts from our Troop, but for all Catholic Scouts in our area.
We target annually that we strive to earn the Pope Paul IV award from the Catholic Committee on Scouting. We have been previously awarded in 1995, 1999, 2004 and 2010 the Bishops Trophy from the Atlanta Archdiocese Catholic Committee on Scouting as the top Scouting Unit in the Archdiocese.
Troop Leadership:
Tom Morin, Scoutmaster | 770-633-9409 | tommorin1776@gmail.com |
Steve Harrison, Committe Chair | 770-594-0073 | Eagle70@bellsouth.net |
Ed Rousselot, Charter Representative | 770‑998‑4760 | edr12@bellsouth.net |