Welcome to Troop 1776
"It Is A Great Day For Scouting!"
Troop 1776
Scouting Guide,
Credentials, Scout Master Minutes, TV23(select Time: 00:10:39 - 00:19:57)
We are in many ways your typical Boy Scout Troop and in many ways we are atypical. We believe strongly in a Scout led program just as our founder, Lord Baden Powell, designed it. The Scouts in our program are empowered and in charge. This aspect of the Boy Scout program allows our young men to develop leadership skills at an early age.
Many opportunities are made available for the Scouts to participate in outings and new adventures. Throughout the year around program, there are many opportunities to advance in Rank and to earn Merit Badges. But it is up to the individual Scout to choose to take advantage of the programs offered. Their Scouting destiny is in their own hands.
Much of the goals of Scouting are centered around learning to make ethical choices. One of my more famous sayings is “Life is Full of Choices”. That is clearly evident at Troop 1776. We reinforce that Scouts should use the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in considering choices. These are the values that guide us and should influence the choices that a Scout makes in his lifetime.
I love my job as Scoutmaster of this Troop. I am blessed to be working with such a great group of Scouts and families. Every time I give out a Rank Advancement, I have the reward of watching those Scouts grow in knowledge, experience and character that will last them a lifetime. This is just as true of the Scout that has just earned his Tenderfoot Rank as the one that has reached the pinnacle of Eagle Scout.
Make it a Great Day for Scouting. I know I will.
Yours in Scouting,
Scoutmaster, Troop 1776
Foothills District, Atlanta
Area Council
I used to be a Bobwhite….SR-CS-11
Once an Eagle, Always an
Eagle – Class of 1969